Hi everybody. Yes, finally I am writing my first blog and putting forward my views. It has been for a long time, I have been thinking to write or speak on this topic, but my lazy nature refrained me from doing this.
Well, lot have been said, heard, written and published about Raj Thackrey, his party, his stand for
Marathi manoos and all that he has been doing for re-establishing Marathi culture and the lost pride and rights of people of Maharashtra. However, his act and deeds in the state to re-unite the lost Marathi culture is not acceptable and is truly debatable!
The fact cannot be denied that you have to respect the culture, rituals, language of the state you are living in and should proudly feel for the state or region that is giving you your bread and butter. But when it comes to Mumbai, Uncle Raj( yes, I would call him uncle as he is my father's age) should also understand that it has been the financial capital of the country much before his Party came into existence. We communicate with each other in English, write mails chat, do our business deals every thing in other language, due to sheer convenience, which should not be considered as an insult to Marathi language or Marathi Manoos. Many companies have made their way into Mumbai and provided employment and growth to many Mumbaikars(Read also Marathi manoos). If we do not want these companies to enter Mumbai or say Maharashtra, we could possibly make Marathi a compulsory language!
Raj recently enforced all shop-owners to translate their signboards into Marathi stating that they have been violating the states law by displaying a non-marathi board. Later even the BMC joined them and started penalizing the shop owners that do not display a Marathi signboard. My point here is that if Uncle Raj can understand law this much how can he forget the basic fundamental or say constitutional law/Right of people of India that they can reside anywhere in India and earn and settle their basic needs! Why is he constantly trying to attack the UPities and Biharis??? If he is so adamant to reduce the population of these '
Parprantiya' (Outsiders) his party should take an active stand to work against the Bangladeshi's and Pakistani's, who are illegally invading our country!
I personally like Uncle Raj as he is a good orator and has potential to seriously do something good for the Marathi people but his way of harassing and bullying people is not tolerable. I would go ahead and say that instead of doing something good for Marathi people, he has divided them by separating himself from Shiv-Sena! He could have easily shown his potential by being in Shiv-Sena. I want to ask him, how bullying, beating and harassing people of other caste would help do good for Marathi Manoos??? What good has he done for Marathi people since the formation of his party???
To cut the long story short, I want to say that Uncle Raj should utilize his power, energy for the well-being of the state and overall development of Maharashtra and Nation. We have major issues like Floods, bad roads, suicide of farmers, shortage of electricity, above mentioned invaders and terrorism to fight for so why waste man power and strength on our own people and destroy the states property?? Re Think On your Motto Uncle Raj and, I am sure that you will gain much more name, fame and respect than these infamous one's!
Jai Hind! Jai Maharashtra!