This is the 9th month of the year, and Bollywood has already seen a few spectacular films, despite a few disappointments namely Tashan, Thoda Pyar Thoda Magic, Love Story 2050, Contract. However, this has been a year were terrorism has been the central issue of not 1 or 2 but 6 movies. Khuda Ke Liye, Mumbai Meri Jaan, Aamir, Tahaan, Hijack and A Wednesday. In all these films A Wednesday directed by debutant Neeraj Pandey, stands out, and is a real winner.
Almost all major cities and towns have some where or the other experienced the black face of terror. A Wednesday brings out the same dilemma of the society, but in a unique way. From start to end the film grips your attention and no-where during the film will you be bored; in fact, the director tactfully fools you more then couple of times.
The director writer has succeeded in showing the exact emotions and grievances of people who are affected and who are forced to live a life of fear, and also one of the consequence, if their anger bursts out. The film also highlights the flaws and disability of the government to handle matters related to terrorism. Both the lead actors Naseerudin Shah and Anupam Kher have given an impeccable performance and are the central characters of the movie.
The movie is an eye-opner for many and has lot to offer. Neeraj Pandey has successfuly given a new twist to the film, and is high above the movies released on the same plot earlier this year. A brave attempt for a debut Neeraj!
1 comment:
Yeah, A Wednesday was really good!
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