Monday, January 26, 2009

Raaz could have been more 'soulful'

Though bollywood have seen an entire decade of horror films from Ramsay brothers, the time Raaz-1 came it worked due to skillful handling of the subject and strong justification of fear.

However, audience are much more mature and intelligent now as they have seen a lot such scary scenes and incidents, and therefore the expectations from Raaz-TMC is sky high. Does it meet the expectation?, Does it scare the light of you?? Yes it does, but in installment.

A painter (Emraan) who paints a Super model- Kangana (whom he has never seen before) facing problems, wants to save her, as this time he has painted her dead! Now the only way she can come out of her near death accidents, is to find the truth behind it. This at the cost of her boy friend( Adhyan Suman) who host a TV show Andhvishwas and do not believe in her.

Mohit builds up the scary atmosphere well enough, taking in consideration the now intelligent audience, but fails in the pre-climax flashback part, as it is weakly written and not much convincing. It lacks the 'soul' here!

Performance of Emraan and Kangana is top notch. Adhyan has his fare screen space and is super confident.

On the whole Raaz-TMC will definitely become the first Hit of 2009 in terms of its production cost and recovery, as it has good music, good acting and splendid story presentation.

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